Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced level, we’ve created some activities you can carry out to enhance your piano journey.
1. Set goals
Whether you’d like to become a piano master or be able to play a single piece of music from start to finish, it’s useful for you to direct your energy towards a goal.
Provide yourself with an action plan so that your practice becomes productive and you are able to look forward to your lessons.
2. Organise your musical activities
It would be useful to create an actionable plan of what and when you will carry out your musical activities. An example of a musical activity could be playing what you are learning to friends or family at home.
3. Experiment with new music
If you are feeling bored with a specific genre you have been learning, try to experiment with a different genre instead!
4. Test yourself
Sometimes we may think we know a scale, piece of music or certain genre inside out! It would be useful to go over past theory topics or pieces with your teacher or mentor to see if you can remember them or there are areas which can be developed further.
5. Ask questions
No question is a silly question! Particularly when you are struggling on a specific area or topic, feel free to ask your teacher or mentor.
To find out more, feel free to get involved in our latest project “The Habits of the Top Performing Piano Players”, fill out our survey:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13kfjQbsNwdOeJlnPF6cp5HfOm-o45xubyo9qSJRTrAM/edit. For your chance to win a Nintendo DS Lite or a £50 Amazon Gift Voucher.
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