Keeping healthy -
In the run-up to the performance, eating and resting properly are essential. If a performer is tired and run down they will start to doubt their abilities which can lead to excess nervousness.
Failing to prepare is preparing to fail -
Ensure that you have arranged transport in advance and ensure you reach there 15 minutes before you are due to begin. This allows you to have extra time to sign in and stay calm before your exam/performance begins.
Visualise success -
This is something top athletes and musicians do before taking part in competitions and is a powerful way to focus the mind! These are also emotions you can replicate during your exam/performance.
Practice performing in front of friends, family or in a concert -
Playing in front of an audience is a completely different experience to practicing in private. Even a small audience is enough to make most people feel a little on the edge so is therefore excellent preparation for the real thing.
Smile -
When you walk into the exam room/on stage, smile at the audience/examiner. This may sound easier than done but you’ll be amazed at how much better this can make you feel. The act of smiling encouraged the release of endorphins (the body’s feel-good chemicals). These endorphins improve your state of mind and help you to relax.
Don’t worry about mistakes -
Everyone makes them! They are naturally going to happen, but instead of worrying about them keep going and enjoy them performance rather than trying to go back and fix it. This will allow your performance to flow better, making it a more professional performance.
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