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Key Sounds UK • Jan 25, 2020


So why is it that reading sheet music is so important?

Whilst some play by ear or improvise without music, we believe that it’s also an important skill to be able to read from sheet music too.

🎶Learn music faster – they say learning how to read sheet music is like using a formula to solve a maths equation. Sure you could try and figure out the equation without the formula, but why not save yourself some time?

🎶Play with accuracy – even if you’re exceptionally good at playing by ear, it’s still worth double checking the sheet music. Sometimes we think we have learned a piece correctly, but in comparing your rendition to the sheet music, you may find incorrect sections within the piece.

🎶New music theory knowledge – though you can always appreciate listening to music, diving into the sheet music will allow you to see how it works and what makes certain chords or progressions sound the way they do. Sheet music is the key to understanding the music. Once you know how to read it, your eyes (and ears) will be open to brand new facets of music, making you an even better and more rounded musician than you were before.

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By Key Sounds UK 08 Apr, 2024
When a student falls off track in their piano journey, it's crucial to approach the situation with understanding and positivity. First and foremost, it's essential to rekindle the student's passion for music. Encourage them to explore different genres and styles that resonate with them personally. Whether it's classical pieces, contemporary pop songs, or even composing their own melodies, allowing the student to find joy in what they're playing can reignite their enthusiasm for the instrument. Additionally, involve the student in the decision-making process by letting them choose pieces they genuinely enjoy practicing and performing. This not only empowers them but also fosters a deeper connection to the music they're playing. Consistency is key to progress in any skill, including piano playing. Encourage the student to establish a regular practice routine that fits into their daily schedule. However, it's essential to strike a balance between structure and flexibility. While consistency is important, it's equally vital to allow room for spontaneity and creativity during practice sessions. Encourage the student to experiment with different techniques, dynamics, and interpretations, fostering a sense of exploration and discovery. Remind them that progress in music is not always linear and that every moment spent at the piano, regardless of how small, contributes to their growth as a musician. Lastly, celebrate milestones and achievements, no matter how small they may seem. Recognizing and acknowledging progress reinforces the student's sense of accomplishment and motivates them to continue moving forward. Whether it's mastering a challenging passage, performing confidently in front of others, or simply maintaining a consistent practice routine, each step forward is worthy of celebration. Encourage the student to set achievable goals and celebrate each milestone along the way. By nurturing a positive and supportive environment, both the student and the parent can feel confident that the journey back to the piano will be filled with growth, joy, and fulfilment. If you wish to know more about these hacks and resources, feel free to take a look around our website or connect with us directly !
By KeySounds UK 01 Apr, 2024
There are a multitude of benefits for those who learn to play the piano. Firstly, mastering the piano fosters discipline and patience. It requires consistent practice and dedication to improve, teaching valuable life skills that extend far beyond the realm of music. The process of learning to read sheet music, coordinate hand movements, and understand musical theory cultivates a disciplined mindset that can be applied to various aspects of life, whether academic, professional, or personal. Moreover, playing the piano is a gateway to self-expression and creativity. Through music, individuals can convey emotions, tell stories, and explore their innermost thoughts in a unique and profound way. Whether interpreting classical compositions, improvising jazz tunes, or composing original pieces, the piano provides a versatile platform for artistic expression. It allows individuals to tap into their creativity, fostering a sense of fulfilment and personal growth as they explore the vast possibilities of musical expression. Furthermore, learning to play the piano has been shown to have cognitive benefits. Studies have demonstrated that engaging with music stimulates neural connections in the brain, leading to improved cognitive function, memory retention, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, playing the piano requires the simultaneous use of both hands, promoting hand-eye coordination and enhancing motor skills. These cognitive benefits extend beyond the realm of music, positively impacting various aspects of cognitive development and overall mental well-being. Thus, for those interested in embarking on a rewarding and intellectually stimulating journey, learning to play the piano is undoubtedly worth the effort and dedication. If you wish to know more about these hacks and resources, feel free to take a look around our website or connect with us directly !
By KeySounds UK 18 Mar, 2024
Active and passive listening to music both offer distinct advantages for individuals learning to play the piano. Actively listening involves focused attention on the music, analysing its structure, dynamics, and nuances. For piano learners, active listening can enhance their understanding of musical concepts such as rhythm, melody, and harmony. By dissecting pieces played by proficient pianists, learners can absorb stylistic elements and techniques, which they can then incorporate into their own playing. Active listening cultivates a deeper appreciation for music and encourages pianists to refine their skills through imitation and experimentation, ultimately leading to improved performance abilities. On the other hand, passive listening provides a more relaxed and subconscious absorption of music. While engaged in other activities or simply allowing the music to play in the background, piano learners can still benefit from passive listening. Constant exposure to diverse musical styles and compositions helps develop a pianist's ear for different melodies, chord progressions, and rhythms. Passive listening also aids in internalizing musical patterns and structures, which can facilitate memorization and interpretation during practice sessions. Additionally, regularly immersing oneself in music fosters a strong emotional connection to the art form, motivating piano learners to persevere through challenges and express themselves more authentically through their playing. Combining both active and passive listening approaches creates a well-rounded musical experience for piano learners. Actively engaging with recordings of accomplished pianists allows learners to study and dissect intricate musical elements, refining their technical skills and interpretative abilities. Meanwhile, passive listening provides a continuous and effortless exposure to a variety of musical genres and compositions, nurturing a deep understanding and appreciation for the art of piano playing. By integrating these listening practices into their musical journey, aspiring pianists can accelerate their progress, broaden their musical horizons, and cultivate a lifelong passion for playing the piano. If you wish to know more about these hacks and resources, feel free to take a look around our website or connect with us directly !
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